School of Humanity & Awareness
6255 Barfield Road, NE
Suite 110
Atlanta, GA 30328
Ph: 404.257.1257
Fax: 404.257.1490

Apply for a Scholarship

The SoHA Foundation grants scholarships for weekend courses offered by the School of Humanity & Awareness (SoHA). This includes the Innner Awareness course, the Insight Courses, Core Alignment, LSS, and Kinesiology Training, and Sacred Service Travel programs.

Scholarship requests are reviewed when applicants are registered and accepted into the SoHA course for which they are applying. If approved, scholarships are generally provided at a maximum of 30% of the course tuition.

All decisions for assistance are made by the SoHA Foundation Board of Directors.

How to Apply

Step 1: Register for a SoHA Course

You must register and be accepted by SoHA for the course you are applying for financial assistance.

Step 2: Complete Our Application Form

Complete our application form. We will ask a lot of questions including your personal information, how much money you make (yearly salary only), who referred you, why you need financial assistance, and what you hope to receive by attending this course.

The application is due 21 days before the beginning date of the course (see SoHA Calendar). The SoHA Foundation Board of Directors may accept and process scholarship applications submitted less than 14 days prior to the beginning of the course, depending on availability of funds. All applications are kept confidential.

Apply Today

Step 3: Your Application Review

A member of the Board of Directors will contact the applicant by phone for an interview. Decisions are made approximately 14 days prior to the course. We determine eligibility on a case-by-case basis. As a general rule, applicants who have an annual income of over $50,000 will be considered for a scholarship if additional life circumstances are present.

Step 4: Attend the Course

Have an amazing time!

Step 5: Give Back

After the course, we encourage you to assist the SoHA Foundation with fundraising. Fundraising service opportunities will be arranged directly between the applicant and the SoHA Foundation.

Find out more about scholarship funds.